Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 15: Strawberry Ice Cream Day and Fresh Squeezed Juice Day

Again with the non-seasonal food!  On my hike today, I was completely bundled up and using the little pocket heaters to keep my fingers from going numb.  A couple of times, I found myself slurring while I was talking because my lips and cheeks had gone numb from the cold.

So ice cream has probably been the last thing on my mind today, but today is Strawberry Ice Cream Day.  I do love strawberry ice cream- just not when it's pretty much freezing outside.  Strawberry ice cream in the summer when it's in the 90s?  Yes please!  Whenever my dad would bring home neapolitan ice cream, the pink stripe would disappear first.

A friend of mine has an ice cream maker and loves it.  An ice cream maker doesn't really have a place in my life as I don't need any one-use appliances that I would only use a few times a year, but I am looking at getting the ice cream extension to the KitchenAid stand mixer.  Still, it won't get a lot of use so we'll see.

Fresh Squeezed Juice Day

If you prefer concentrated juice to fresh squeezed juice, please let me know. Well, flavor wise, as I suppose concentrated or purchased juices are definite time savers when compared to fresh squeezed juice.  But nothing beats fresh squeezed juice when it comes to flavor. 

Fresh squeezed lemonade ranks easily as my number one drink.  Adding crushed fresh strawberries just makes it even tastier.  My mom loves fresh squeezed passionfruit juice and will mix it with crushed blueberries.  Friends of mine have expressed preference for fresh squeezed grapefruit, orange, and tangerine juices.  Personally, I think it's a travesty to not eat tangerines, but when you think about it, the only fruits you can squeeze are citrus fruits.  Everything else you have to crush or puree.

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