Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6: National Crepes Suzette Day and National Beverage Day

National Crepes Suzette Day

Traditional Crepes Suzette are crepes with sugar, butter, citrus juice and then a citrus liquer which is then lit on fire to present a visually appealing en flambe dish.  (Okay, so I think all "en flambe" dishes are visually appealing, but I'm the type to stare at a campfire.)  The origins of the name are somewhat disputed, but I think this can be listed as a food named after someone.

Interested in making Crepes Suzette to celebrate?  Food Network offers you two recipes - one from food nerd favorite Alton Brown and one from the ever flamboyant Bobby Flay.  I love them both, so I'm  not sure which recipe I'll make first.

National Beverage Day

A lot of things get called a beverage - if you can drink it, it's a beverage.  My favorite beverage is water.  As a hiker and someone with an interest in nutrition, water has such an important role in my life.  It's dangerous to hike without carrying plenty of water, so I'm always paranoid that I'm not carrying enough.  I'd rather carry the weight of extra water than find myself running out of water.

Not everyone enjoys the access to clean water that we have here in America.  And even then, the quality of water in some parts of the US is suspect...  Still, I'd like to point you to The Water Project, a non-profit devoted to bringing water to people who need it most.

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